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Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.

Galleria fotografica per Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.

Piscina all'aperto, una piscina riscaldata
6 camere, una cassaforte in camera, ferro/asse da stiro, Wi-Fi
Frigorifero, microonde, forno, piano cottura
TV, caminetto, videogiochi, lettore DVD


10 su 10

Casa intera

6 camere6 bagniPer 14 persone375 m²

Servizi più richiesti

  • Piscina
  • Parcheggio disponibile
  • Vasca idromassaggio
  • Lavatrice
  • Animali ammessi
  • Griglia da barbecue

Informazioni su questa struttura

Intera sistemazione

Avrai a disposizione l’intera casa e potrai condividerla con i tuoi compagni di viaggio.

Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.

Villa Babylon ha uno scenario straordinario, arroccato sopra la zona ad est della località balneare di Olu Deniz, offrendo una vista sensazionale sulle montagne che raggiungono, nelle giornate limpide, fino a quelle che racchiudono il Golfo di Fethiye. Giardini terrazzati circondano la proprietà, con alberi di agrumi, pesche, fichi e melograni. Un giardino murato scherma l'area delle piscine pavimentate in pietra calcarea. È una scelta da sogno per grandi gruppi e famiglie allargate, in particolare per coloro che apprezzano l'idea di uno stile di vita all'aperto - da qualche parte non solo per stare, ma per divertirsi davvero. Recentemente aggiornato, il suo design, dimensioni, elevazione e servizi lo rendono la scelta numero uno in Olu Deniz con cinque camere da letto dal design individuale (tra cui due Master Suite) cinque bagni, un bagno per gli ospiti, una Family Room, una magnifica Media Lounge, ampia aree interne ed esterne per rilassarsi, balconi, terrazze e tutte con viste spettacolari sulle montagne.

I nostri ospiti tornano anno dopo anno, le nostre recensioni parlano da sole - se stai cercando un lussuoso soggiorno a cinque stelle, sii nostro ospite. Ci prendiamo cura di ogni dettaglio del tuo soggiorno.

Il clou della proprietà è senza dubbio gli spazi di vita all'aperto. I fiori profumati di alberi di arancio e una collezione di palme esotiche riempiono il giardino amorevolmente curato, progettato per offrire numerose aree salotto tranquille e spazi gioco per bambini. L'area della piscina è un punto focale del sole - una vasca idromassaggio con 10 posti a sedere con una leggera cascata che scende a cascata nella piscina principale. Un'ulteriore terrazza panoramica, illuminata dal sole e completa con barbecue a gas Weber rappresenta lo spazio ideale per uno stile di vita 'al fresco'.

Villa Babylon è allo stesso tempo contemporanea ed elegante, offre vero lusso, vero comfort, maggiore sicurezza, ottimo servizio e meravigliosi servizi gratuiti, tutti a pochi attimi dalla spiaggia e dalla laguna più famose della Turchia.

VANTAGGI UNICI di soggiornare a Villa Babylon;

POSIZIONE - Olu Deniz si estende per miglia nell'entroterra, ma Villa Babylon è più vicina alla spiaggia ea soli 5 minuti a piedi dalla navetta per la spiaggia (a 5 minuti dalla spiaggia). È possibile raggiungere a piedi negozi e ristoranti locali e i taxi sono facili da chiamare.

SPAZIO - Un totale di 5 camere da letto e 5. 5 bagni significa nessuna fila, 2 salotti, cucina in marmo a pianta aperta, terrazze e balconi distribuiti su quattro piani. Due Master Suite - ognuna su piani separati per una maggiore privacy, progettate individualmente, con aree salotto e bagni in marmo ensuite ispirati alla spa con articoli da toeletta organici gratuiti. Tutte le camere sono dotate di materassi di alta qualità, materassi di piume, biancheria da letto e tende oscuranti.

VISTA - E 'la villa più grande e più elevata in un piccolo condominio esclusivo situato dietro alte mura di pietra lavorate a mano, in magnifici giardini maturi che garantiscono le migliori viste, la privacy completa della piscina e il sole tutto il giorno.

SERVIZI COMPLEMENTARI - Vino, birre, tè, caffè, acqua filtrata e ghiaccio, cucina completamente attrezzata, cesto di benvenuto di lusso personalizzato, frutta e verdura del mercato degli agricoltori, consegna di tè pomeridiani, minibar con bevande e snack ... tutto compreso nelle tariffe.

TECNOLOGIA - Media Room - 70 'schermo e sistema audio surround 3D, Apple TV, DVD, Airplay Sound Bar, riscaldamento centralizzato all'avanguardia, acqua calda (taniche da 1000 litri) e sistemi di riscaldamento piscina rendono la villa utilizzabile tutto l'anno, rarità in Olu Deniz. Per ridurre la nostra impronta di carbonio, 6 pannelli solari aiutano a riscaldare l'acqua in estate. Wifi ad alta velocità, forniture per ufficio - anche iPad e stampante wireless.

FAMILY FRIENDLY - Lettini, seggioloni, scalette su richiesta. Un giardino privato adatto ai bambini, tutto su un livello senza gradini e una vasca idromassaggio con posti a sedere rende più facile prendersi cura dei bambini. Un sacco di spazi esterni e interni per far giocare i bambini - giochi e giocattoli forniti.

RISCALDAMENTO DELLA PISCINA - La piscina e il lettino per massaggi sono piastrellati con cristalli di cristallo smeraldo, noti per avere proprietà curative e possono essere riscaldati fino a 45 ° C. Una piscina riscaldata è una rarità in Turchia e importante da considerare quando si confrontano le ville, infatti, molte ville hanno sistemi di riscaldamento della piscina progettati solo per rimuovere il 'freddo' e non riscaldare l'acqua. Il riscaldamento della piscina è incluso per aprile, maggio, giugno, settembre e ottobre e addebitato al costo da novembre a marzo - la tariffa dipende dal periodo dell'anno. Piscina Il riscaldamento non è necessario durante luglio e agosto.

QUALITÀ; La villa è stata completamente rinnovata secondo gli standard europei (compresa la fornitura di energia elettrica che è la forza industriale) con finiture in marmo in quasi ogni stanza e arredi e accessori di alta qualità. Una cucina gourmet ben fornita dispone di un piano di lavoro in marmo da 7 metri e di elettrodomestici di grandi dimensioni, tra cui un piano cottura a gas a sei fuochi, due forni elettrici e un frigorifero con freezer di stile americano. Una favolosa terrazza barbecue pavimentata in pietra completa di un barbecue a gas Weber americano si trova appena fuori dalla cucina per facilità d'uso. Anche fornito; Spremiagrumi, spremiagrumi, macinacaffè, robot da cucina, caffettiera, frullatore a immersione, liquidatore, macchina per popcorn e forno a microonde.

SICUREZZA - La villa dispone di un sistema di sicurezza avanzato che include un allarme di risposta alle 24 ore, 5 telecamere CCTV, 2. pareti e porte perimetrali doppie da 5 metri, un ingresso a un punto, un cancello chiudibile a chiave, alto 2 metri e un sistema di alimentazione di emergenza. in caso di interruzione della fornitura di energia elettrica, gestisce i sistemi di allarme, CCTV e WiFi per 6 ore. Inoltre, la villa dispone di due cassette di sicurezza a chiave e doppio parcheggio sicuro fuori strada.

SERVIZIO - Villa Babylon è gestita professionalmente e offre un servizio eccezionale - Nessun dettaglio è troppo piccolo, nessuna richiesta troppo grande.

Villa Babylon gode di una valutazione di 5 stelle in casa e viene continuamente rinnovata e migliorata per ogni stagione. Credo che queste caratteristiche siano il motivo per cui altri ospiti hanno descritto Villa Babylon come "semplicemente perfetta".

INCLUSO nelle TARIFFE (soggiorno minimo 7 notti);

- Una bottiglia di vino anatolico.
- Un cesto pieno di cibo con frutta e verdura dal mercato degli agricoltori.
- Una cucina completamente attrezzata con oli, erbe, spezie e libri di cucina.
- Tè pomeridiano in omaggio con servizio in camera - torta fatta in casa con torta di mele e limone al momento del check in
- Tè inglese, caffè brasiliani e turchi in omaggio, acqua e ghiaccio illimitati
- Minibar gratuito con una selezione di bevande e snack
- WiFi ad alta velocità gratuito.
- Servizio di pulizia con cambio biancheria e asciugamani ogni 7 giorni. (Inoltre su richiesta)
- asciugamani da spiaggia di lusso per il vostro uso durante il vostro soggiorno
- prodotti da toeletta biologici e a base vegetale gratuiti
- Forniture di lavanderia gratuite
- Combustibile gratuito per il fuoco aperto.
- Una selezione di libri, giochi e giocattoli per bambini da utilizzare durante il soggiorno.
- Aria condizionata o riscaldamento centralizzato - disponibile in tutte le camere e le sale.
- I servizi di un manager di lingua inglese per tutto il soggiorno.
- Una guida completa all'interno della zona con tutti i migliori ristoranti.
- Il riscaldamento della piscina è facoltativo e addebitato al costo.

A Villa Babylon, sarai in grado di stabilirti subito la tua vacanza senza dover cercare qualcosa in un paese straniero. Dagli interni sfarzosi, materassi con piume, lenzuola in cotone con alto numero di fili, bagni sontuosi, le ultime tecnologie ed elettrodomestici, una biblioteca di letture per le vacanze, uno spazio ufficio, una piscina soleggiata, aree di lettura ombreggiate e terrazze da pranzo, Villa Babylon ha tutto .

Progettato per sfruttare la sua posizione in cima alla collina, con il suo spazio vitale e l'ampia veranda panoramica, è un luogo stravagante per rilassarsi e ricaricare le batterie. L'atmosfera generale della villa è ariosa, spaziosa e luminosa, con interni che sposano design turco contemporaneo e tradizionale, le ultime finiture e la tecnologia sparsi di antiquariato turco e tappeti pregiati.


Situato sul fianco di una montagna, l'ingresso della villa si trova al primo piano e ospita la camera familiare, una cucina gourmet a pianta aperta e una terrazza con barbecue in pietra che cattura il sole della sera.

Al piano terra, che ha finestre da pavimento a soffitto con vista sulla piscina, è l'Home Cinema con Apple TV che si apre su una sala lettura con camino in marmo. Questo piano ha una delle Master Suite con bagno ispirato a Hamam e doccia walk-in. C'è una lavanderia a questo livello con lavatrice e asciugatrice. Un ulteriore bagno completo si trova anche su questo piano.

Tornati al primo piano, le doppie porte conducono dalla cucina a un'ampia veranda coperta con zone pranzo e relax, entrambe con vista mozzafiato sulle montagne e le valli ricoperte di pini. Il tavolo da pranzo per otto persone è ricavato da una porta ottomana di 200 anni. L'intera pavimentazione della villa è in marmo di raffreddamento e con un sacco di porte scorrevoli in vetro dal pavimento al soffitto e una vista mozzafiato da tutte le stanze.

Il secondo piano contiene 3 camere da letto; due matrimoniali (una con bagno privato), una camera doppia e il bagno di famiglia. Tutti hanno una vista mozzafiato e due hanno balconi.

Il terzo piano è dedicato esclusivamente alla seconda Master Suite, che offre fantastiche viste sulle montagne su entrambi i lati e un bagno di ispirazione spa con vasca idromassaggio doppia, cabina doccia separata. Una terrazza di fronte al tramonto conduce fuori da questa camera da letto, la sedia estiva è il luogo ideale per godersi il panorama.

Tutte le aree esterne sono pavimentate in pietra calcarea naturale e rocce fossili e vi è un parcheggio fuori strada per due auto con un azionamento recintato e giardini murati paesaggistici. La villa è circondata da 2 muri alti 5 metri con telecamere a circuito chiuso e allarme per una maggiore sicurezza. Servizio di pulizia settimanale è fornito e trasferimenti e noleggio auto possono essere organizzati. Inoltre, è possibile organizzare un servizio di pulizia supplementare e un servizio di catering e massaggi.

Responsabile della struttura

Salih Berk

Aggiungi le date e scopri i prezzi

Servizi della struttura

Vicino alla spiaggia

  • Spiaggia nelle vicinanze
  • Teli mare

Impianti sciistici

  • Impianti da sci nelle vicinanze


  • Massaggi
  • Piscina all'aperto
  • Piscina privata
  • Piscina riscaldata
  • Vasca idromassaggio

Connessione Internet

  • La villa offre la connessione Internet Wi-Fi

Parcheggio e trasferimenti

  • Auto disponibile
  • Auto non necessaria
  • Le modalità di parcheggio in loco includono un garage


  • Asciugamani di carta
  • Bollitore elettrico
  • Forno
  • Frigorifero
  • Frullatore
  • Isola per cucina
  • Lavastoviglie
  • Macchina per caffè/tè
  • Microonde
  • Piano cottura
  • Spezie
  • Stoviglie, piatti e utensili da cucina
  • Tostapane

Area pasti

  • Tavolo da pranzo

Camere da letto

  • 6 camere da letto
  • Divano letto
  • Lenzuola fornite dalla struttura


  • 5,5 bagni
  • Asciugacapelli
  • Asciugamani forniti in loco
  • Carta igienica
  • Doccia
  • Sapone
  • Shampoo
  • Vasca

Spazi a disposizione

  • Camino
  • Soggiorno
  • Tavolo da pranzo


  • Giochi
  • Impianto stereo
  • Lettore DVD
  • Libri
  • TV con canali satellitari/via cavo
  • Videogiochi

Aree esterne

  • Arredi da esterno
  • Balcone
  • Giardino
  • Griglia da barbecue


  • Lavanderia automatica nelle vicinanze
  • Lavatrice


  • Aria condizionata
  • Riscaldamento


  • Animali ammessi
  • Cani e gatti sono i benvenuti
  • 2 animali domestici in totale

Idoneità e accessibilità

  • Struttura riservata ai non fumatori
  • Nota dell'host: Smoking allowed outside and on verandas.

Servizi e dotazioni

  • Cassaforte
  • Ferro/Asse da stiro
  • Pulizie (disponibilità limitata)

Vantaggi della posizione

  • In un villaggio
  • Nella campagna
  • Nella zona montana
  • Vicino a un molo privato
  • Vicino a un ospedale
  • Vicino a un outlet
  • Vicino al mare
  • Vicino alla baia

Cose da fare

  • Attrezzatura per sport acquatici
  • Barca
  • Biciclette
  • Golf
  • Kayak
  • Parco acquatico
  • Piscina riscaldata
  • Tennis
  • Arrampicate in montagna nelle vicinanze
  • Birdwatching nelle vicinanze
  • Caccia nelle vicinanze
  • Equitazione nelle vicinanze
  • Golf nelle vicinanze
  • Immersioni subacquee nelle vicinanze
  • Itinerari per mountain bike nelle vicinanze
  • Moto d'acqua nelle vicinanze
  • Nuoto nelle vicinanze
  • Parco a tema nelle vicinanze
  • Pesca nelle vicinanze
  • Piste pedonali/ciclabili nelle vicinanze
  • Rafting nelle vicinanze
  • Sci d'acqua nelle vicinanze
  • Snorkeling nelle vicinanze
  • Surf/bodyboarding nelle vicinanze
  • Tour ecologici nelle vicinanze
  • Tubing acquatico nelle vicinanze
  • Vela nelle vicinanze
  • Windsurf nelle vicinanze

Misure di sicurezza

  • Rilevatore di monossido di carbonio assente (l'host ha indicato che la struttura non è dotata di un rilevatore di monossido di carbonio ma che sono presenti apparecchi a gas; valuta l'ipotesi di portare un rilevatore portatile)
  • Rilevatore di fumo (l'host ha indicato che la struttura è dotata di un rilevatore di fumo)
  • Kit di pronto soccorso
  • Serratura di sicurezza

Informazioni generali

  • Biciclette
  • Dimensioni dell'unità: 375 metri quadrati
  • Giardino
  • Struttura all'interno di un resort

Strutture simili




Check-in a partire dalle 16:00
Età minima per il check-in: 30


Check-out entro le 11:00

Istruzioni speciali per il check-in

Riceverai un'e-mail dall'host con istruzioni relative al check-in e al check-out

Animali domestici

Si accettano animali domestici.
I cani e i gatti sono i benvenuti
2 in totale
Si applicano restrizioni. Per maggiori informazioni, contattare la struttura al numero telefonico indicato sulla conferma della prenotazione.
Nota dell'host: We accept pets on an individual basis - 50UK

Bambini e letti aggiuntivi

Si accettano prenotazioni che includono bambini.
Nota dell'host: Stair guards, high chair, cot only on request.

Informazioni importanti

Da ricordare

Questa struttura è gestita da un privato, che la affitta unicamente a titolo personale (non in ambito commerciale, imprenditoriale o professionale). I diritti dei consumatori stabiliti dalla legge europea, compreso il diritto di recesso, non si applicano alla tua prenotazione, ma restano valide le condizioni di cancellazione stabilite dall'host privato.
Per eventuali ospiti aggiuntivi possono essere previsti supplementi, variabili in base alla politica della struttura.
All'arrivo, oltre a un documento di identità comprensivo di foto, potrebbero essere richieste una carta di credito/debito o una caparra in contanti per eventuali spese accessorie.
Tutte le richieste speciali sono soggette a disponibilità al momento dell'arrivo e possono comportare spese aggiuntive. Le richieste speciali non sono garantite.
Le feste in loco e gli eventi di gruppo sono severamente vietati.
L'host ha indicato l'assenza di un rilevatore di monossido di carbonio in struttura, nonostante siano presenti dispositivi a gas; ti consigliamo di portare con te un rilevatore da viaggio.
L'host ha indicato la presenza di un rilevatore di fumo in struttura.
La struttura è dotata di un kit di pronto soccorso e una serratura di sicurezza.
Questa struttura è gestita tramite il nostro partner Vrbo. Riceverai un'e-mail da Vrbo con un link al tuo account, dove potrai modificare o cancellare la prenotazione
Numero di registrazione della struttura 109064

Dettagli aggiuntivi

Non è necessaria l'auto per gli spostamenti da e per la struttura.

La struttura è conosciuta anche come

Villa Babylon 5 Luxury Design Villa Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi
Babylon 5 Luxury Design Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi Fethiye
Babylon 5 Luxury Design Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi
Villa Babylon 5 Luxury Design Villa Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi
Babylon 5 Luxury Design Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi Fethiye
Villa Babylon 5 Luxury Design Villa Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi
Babylon 5 Luxury Design Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi Fethiye
Babylon 5 Luxury Design Whirlpool BBQ Terrace Wifi

Informazioni sulla zona

Oludeniz, Mugla

Cosa c’è nei dintorni?

  • Grand Ucel Aqua Park - 15 min a piedi - 1.3 km
  • Spiaggia di Ölüdeniz - 6 min in auto - 4.5 km
  • Ölüdeniz Blue Lagoon - 7 min in auto - 5.1 km
  • Kumburnu Beach - 14 min in auto - 5.1 km
  • Spiaggia Kıdrak Koyu - 18 min in auto - 7.8 km

Come spostarsi

  • Dalaman (DLM-Dalaman Intl.) - 74 min. in auto


  • ‪Burger King - ‬3 min a piedi
  • ‪Memo Restaurant - ‬2 min a piedi
  • ‪Hazel's Cafe & Bar - ‬8 min a piedi
  • ‪Saffron Indian Restaurant - ‬4 min a piedi
  • ‪Angel Restaurant - ‬7 min a piedi

Domande frequenti

Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi. ha una piscina?

Sì, la struttura dispone di una piscina all'aperto. Le piscine sono riscaldate o di altro tipo.

Gli animali sono accettati presso Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.?

Sì, questa struttura ammette i cani e i gatti (massimo 2 in totale).

A che ora si deve eseguire il check-in presso Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.?

Orario di inizio del check-in: 16:00.

A che ora si deve eseguire il check-out presso Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.?

Orario del check-out: 11:00.

Dove si trova Villa Babylon 5 * Luxury Design Villa, piscina riscaldata, idromassaggio, terrazza barbecue, Wifi.?

Con una buona posizione sul mare, questa villa per famiglie a Fethiye si trova a 2 km da luoghi d'interesse come Grand Ucel Aqua Park e Orka World Water Park. Riserva Nazionale Ölüdeniz Tabiat Parkı e Fethiye Oludeniz Babadag Cable Car si trovano ugualmente a meno di 3 km di distanza.

Recensioni su Villa Babylon - 5* Luxury Villa, Heated Pool, Whirlpool, BBQ Terrace, Wifi.




Valutazione di 10 - Eccellente. 119 su 125 recensioni
Valutazione di 8 - Buono. 5 su 125 recensioni
Valutazione di 6 - Soddisfacente. 1 su 125 recensioni
Valutazione di 4 - Scarso. 0 su 125 recensioni
Valutazione di 2 - Terribile. 0 su 125 recensioni




10/10 Eccellente

Andrew C.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Fantastic stay at Villa Babylon
Stayed here with family ranging from 76 to 3 years old. Everyone loved the stay. Fergal is amazing to deal with and super helpful and had provided a lovely hamper of food for our arrival which was very much appreciated. The villa is what you see in the pics. Abfee snags around the property but is end of season and these things will always happen but does not take away from the beautiful fantastic stay we jadnin comfort and luxury!
Soggiorno di 9 notti a ottobre 2024

10/10 Eccellente

Tracey R.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Outstanding villa with amazing host
Our stay at Villa Babylon was nothing short of spectacular! The service that Fergal provided from before our stay, at the meet and greet and throughout was 5 star! He arranged things for us, left and amazing welcome pack for us and was there to answer all my silly questions promptly and graciously! Fergal really is the best host we have ever encountered. The villa was incredible. Clean, spacious and with everything you would ever need. We were a group of 13 celebrating my 50th birthday and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else. The communal areas are set up for large groups of all ages. The pool was a delight and I’m already missing sitting around it with the family. The location is great! Just a short walk to the main road where the dolmus runs regularly. We have already recommended this villa to friends and family who saw our social media posts on it and we will absolutely be back. Thank you Fergal for making this family holiday one all of us will remember forever xx
Soggiorno di 7 notti a settembre 2024

10/10 Eccellente

Susan C.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Would recommend but…
Wonderful property in a great location with an amazing host. We stayed as a family of 10, 6 adults and 4 children between the ages of 2 and 12. The property was big enough for us all to sleep comfortably and have space during the day. Fergal was an excellent host and very helpful and responsive to our many questions. My only negatives were, the showers were at times a little hit and miss, this was however manageable. The real issue for us was the early morning wake up call from the local mosque around 05.30 each morning, so loud and so long. I totally get this is out of the hosts control and that we were visitors to another country, but something to be aware of, if you want to come back feeling rested.
Soggiorno di 7 notti ad agosto 2024

10/10 Eccellente

Viaggiatore verificato

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Fantastic villa
Lovely villa. Friendly host. Fantastic pool area. Great location.
Soggiorno di 10 notti ad agosto 2024

10/10 Eccellente

Nina R.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Wonderful stay
Fergal was the perfect host. He was so accommodating and couldn’t do enough to ensure we enjoyed our stay. He booked us taxis and transfers and a great boat trip with Captain Kadir, which we highly recommend. (Great value for money and the kids got to drive the boat.). Fergal was also able to offer suggestions of local markets and activities. Would definitely recommend visiting Paspatur, the old town in Fethiye and also head up the top of the cable cars at sunset for stunning views. The villa itself was a great space big enough, with room to spare, for 11 of us. It really had everything we needed. The pool was great. The steps were a bit slippery but we got used to this and knew the best places to walk around/step in. The edges of the steps/tiles are a bit sharp and pointy so we were cautious of the kids playing but there were no incidents. Just something to be aware of. Beds were all very comfortable and we all slept very well. There is a taxi call button on the post right outside the villa gate which is handy and the taxis are quick and reasonable prices. The villa is situated down a hill from the Main Street. This was an effort to walk in the heat but really only took a few minutes to reach the Main Street. There are many bars and restaurants and shops within a 5/10 minute walk.
Soggiorno di 14 notti a giugno 2024

10/10 Eccellente

Claire O.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Beautiful Villa
We had an amazing two week stay at this villa. The best so far and we been coming for 8 years. We were met by Fergal who showed us around and was very helpful and friendly. We enjoyed all the facilities including the heated pool which was a god send for October. A beautifully decorated villa and very comfy beds. A short walk to the restaurants and shops and taxis which is ideal and in quiet location with nice local neighbours. We will Definitely stay again in future. 100% recommend and it’s child friendly. My 4 year old grandson loved it!
Soggiorno di 10 notti a ottobre 2022

10/10 Eccellente

Hannah W.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
A super place to stay
This holiday was booked 3 years ago and unfortunately postponed a few times due to covid. Fergal was an absolutely fantastic host supporting us with all the changes and keeping us updated throughout the last few years. He was there to welcome us in the early hours of the morning and helped with recommendations and any queries whilst we were there. The house is in a great position, close to the main road, restaurants and taxi button/office but being just a couple of minutes walk away it gave you privacy and peace and quiet. The house itself has everything you need and a very generous welcome hamper was supplied ensuring we had everything for the first day and longer. There’s lots of space inside and out, we were only a family of 4 but with 2 young boys we tend to feel a bit larger than that!! The pool was lovely, lots of fun with all the pool inflatables. Fruit growing on the trees and a view of the mountains and the cable cars. We have already recommended Villa Babylon to friends and would return in the future.
Soggiorno di 7 notti ad agosto 2022

10/10 Eccellente

Jacquie M.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Fantastic villa
Even better than the photos suggest. Spent two weeks here with family ranging in age from 6 months to 60 years. Enough space for everyone to enjoy their own privacy, fantastic living room/dining area to enjoy family time. Good location and Fergus could not have been more helpful - looking forward to photos of new villa in development
Soggiorno di 14 notti a giugno 2022

10/10 Eccellente

Martin M.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Fantastic family holiday
From booking to departure, a great experience and fantastic holiday. We were aloud to check in early as it was vacated the day before and Fergal arranged for the property to be cleaned early. Plenty of space and all the amenities you would want. Pool had an issue and Fergal arranged for this to be sorted and the pool man worked on it twice overnight and arranged for all the water to be replaced overnight. Family loved it and you will not be disappointed if you book this place. Fergal could not do more for us.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a luglio 2022

10/10 Eccellente

Senem S.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Wonderful Villa!
We had a great holiday at Villa Babylon! The villa itself was very clean and spacious - perfect for our large group. The kitchen was really well stocked (even had filtered water on tap) and every bedroom had its own bathroom and air conditioner. The house had some interesting surprises like fruit trees in the backyard and an outdoor brick oven. Location is convenient to some great hiking and minutes away from Oludeniz downtown and beach. Fergal was a great host - very friendly and communicative. We had a couple questions about the house and things to do in the area and he was responsive and took a genuine interest in helping us. The house also has some planned upgrades to better accommodate large groups in the future.
Soggiorno di 5 notti a luglio 2021

10/10 Eccellente

Kerry K.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Great villa!
This villa has the wow factor! It was hard to keep our excitement controlled as we were shown around! Each and every room, comfortable functional and impeccably designed. The kitchen had all those small extras needed for making cooking tastier (oil, salt, herbs,etc) which you don’t want to buy to use only a little. So great to have available. The pool was warm, with a shallow pool perfect for our toddlers to safely paddle as we sunbathed! The location is perhaps a bit random, but with 4 under 5’s our ability to explore was limited. We just made great use of the fantastically efficient taxi service to take us to the Ölüdeniz. Great holiday; many thanks!!
Soggiorno di 7 notti a ottobre 2019

10/10 Eccellente

juliet T., Stoke on Trent

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Absolutlely fabulous holiday
I've just spent 2 weeks at villa babylon with four of my best friends. It's one of the best holidays we've ever had. The villa was superb I couldn't fault it at all .....All mod coms and everything was top spec. Just take your luggage everything your likely to need is in the villa. All the cooking facilities are excellent including the weber gas BBQ. Wifi connection is also can log in to netflix and other movie chanels. It's a short walk in to the nearby town where you'll find every kind of restaurant for dining out.....they all do takeway as well. A must is Aliza Restaurant in the Ghost Village just a short taxi ride from the villa....if you call them to book they will collect you and take you back to the villa after your meal all free of charge....the food is exellent and not too expensive. The villa owner is always available and simply can't do enough to make sure your holiday runs smoothly, we can't thank him enough ......such a gentleman and so very kind. Anyone who decides to stay at Villa Babylon will not be disappointed......the gardens, pools and grounds were cleaned daily......we enjoyed the sun and pools by day and spent some of our nights dining out. All in all, We had an absolutely FAB holiday....Thank you so much.

10/10 Eccellente

julian w.

Mi è piaciuto: Pulizia
Villa Babylon - PERFECT!
This villa, and it's owner, are the best you will ever find. From the time of booking to the time of leaving, it was faultless. Nothing was too much trouble and my family and I had the best time, not wanting to come home. I do not normally give an excellent marking as I always believe there is room for improvement but on this occasion I have given excellent for everything, as it really was the best. We will certainly be returning in the future. Thank you Fergal.
Soggiorno di 11 notti a luglio 2019

10/10 Eccellente

Natalie F.

Villa Babylon is stunning both inside and out. It really is a home from home with fab little touches that Fergal has added from his travels. Fergal’s attention to detail really does make you feel special. We were greeted by him with afternoon tea, nothing was too much trouble for him. The hamper went down well with the kids, lots of goodies for everyone. He even brought us fresh strawberries & mulberries from the market. Marion from I Cook 4 U provided a fabulous service delivering marinaded meats for the bbq, salad, new potatoes, burgers & buns. She made us a gorgeous strawberry pavlova for desert. All in all I can’t recommend Fergal and his beautiful Villa highly enough. 10/10 👌🏻

10/10 Eccellente

hilary h.

Villa Babylon and Fergal were as wonderful as the other reviewers have described. Can't praise both enough. Thank you for our best ever holiday.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a maggio 2019

10/10 Eccellente

glyn b.

Absolutely First Class. This Villa is outstanding sleeps 10 guests comfortably with an amazing owner
We stayed at Villa Babylon from 29th Sept until 13 Oct 2018. There were 7 of us and from the minute we arrived and were met by the owner Fergal we were amazed at the kindness and service he offers, you will never experience this anywhere else. The Villa is on 4 floors, spotlessly clean and well decorated and designed. Every room has been well thought through with luxury bathrooms and soft furnishings. There are so many extras its hard to list them all a mini bar, a fridge full of goodies in the cinema room, a fridge full in the kitchen, a hamper with goodies, toiletries, beach towels etc. Fergal is an amazing person you just want to put him under your wing. He visited the Villa everyday to make sure everything was ok and left little goodies like lemon drizzle cake and chocolate tart. There was a few issues whilst we were there out of Fergals control and he did his upmost to rectify the problems straight away. He suggested restaurants and recommended days out and even booked them for us if we asked. We didn't use the local bus as the taxi service was so good and so cheap 15 Lira (£2) into the village, we used a guy called Ali very reliable. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this villa but most of all a huge thank you to Fergal he must be the best owner ever and made our stay very memorable we were overwhelmed by his kindness and thoughfulness which included looking after 3 stray kittens that came into the garden lol !!!!!!
Soggiorno di 14 notti a settembre 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Christina B.

Best Villa we have ever stayed in, with the outside areas being just as lovely as the inside.
Six of us stopped at the Villa and from the moment we got there, (Fergal was there to great us and show us around the Villa) we loved it and felt right at home straight away. There was a lovely food hamper there for our arrival with included a lovely chocolate tart and the best lemon drizzle cake I have tasted, went down a treat with a cup of tea on arrival. Fergal was the best, he could not do enough for you and made sure you had everything you needed. He goes above and beyond and has a way of just making you feel right at home. There was lots of information around the Villa, about the local area, which was especially helpful if you had not been to the area before. We had the pleasure of having the master bedroom, which was fabulous, but having said that all the rooms were good and had lovely comfortable beds in them. The pool area was just so relaxing, with plenty of sun beds and towels and with another fridge on the pool level you did not have to venture far for refreshments, there was also the BBQ area to relax in, which was my favourite place to read. We would give this Villa 10 out of 10 and would definitely stay there again, but not only is the Villa top class so is Fergal, he goes above and beyond to make sure you have the best holiday possible, we certainly did, and would not hesitate to return and recommend this villa to our family and friends.
Soggiorno di 14 notti a settembre 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Robin S.

Fantastic stay!
Fantastic stay in a more than 'just' luxury villa.
Soggiorno di 6 notti a settembre 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Luisa B.

Very good . Lovely villa . Loads to do in the area and the owner was really helpful with advice
The villa was lovely . It had plenty of space, which was necessary with 3 teenagers ! All the kids (4) had their own rooms and there was additional space to hang out in and do their individual things The villa is in an ideal location to reach all the locations and activities - and there are plenty to choose from . The owner was welcoming and helpful . He helped to organise trips for us and gave advice. Made everything much easier and we had our itinary sorted for the week on our first day, which was lovely We all enjoyed it, even the difficult to please teenagers had a fab time
Soggiorno di 7 notti ad agosto 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Jade M.

House of Dreams
The villa is absolutely stunning both inside and out. Fergal has poured a whole lot of love into this home. The layout is pretty perfect and room for everyone to have a chill out zone if needed. The pool and ‘mini’ pool are fabulous - the smaller children thought it was especially for them! Bedrooms are spacious and very comfortable - the master suite is really superb with the most amazing jacuzzi bath in the ensuite- so many bubbles. BBQ area is a real gem - pretty cool in the early mornings and during the evening. Fab comfortable and sumptuous seating area. The views of the mountains are just glorious and a sight to behold every time you pull back a curtain and open a door. Kitchen is so well equipped and a great place to cook a mean breakfast. Beautiful terraced seating area for lounging or eating and drinking and the play/fun room leading to the pool is just great. The kids loved that room and we had a great family party there one evening with the magically lit garden bringing a smile to all. There is so much one could say and I could go on and on and on - but you know what ‘do it - book it right now. I promise you will love it’. Last but definitely not least our host and owner of this beautiful villa - Fergal the fabulous (seriously) what an amazing man. From the welcome package (which I have never seen the like of before) to popping round to light the bbq because us morons couldn’t - believe me it took him seconds!! Without going into detail there was reason for this man to go way beyond what would be classed as ‘normal’ for our family and we will all be grateful for his kindness, generosity and unfailing support. Thank you Debbi, Jade, Lauren, Sinan, Rio, Jazz, Maceo and Esme
Soggiorno di 9 notti a luglio 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Lauren N.

Time of our lives!
We recently got back for a 3 week stay at villa Babylon, it was truly amazing! We were looking for somewhere extra special to stay as we were getting married whilst in Turkey and the villa most definitely didn’t disappoint. From the moment we arrived to afternoon tea (kindly prepared by Fergal the villa owner) we were overwhelmed at how beautiful the villa was. Don’t go packing a suitcase full of tea bags like we did because it’s unnecessary, Fergal kindly provides all of the essentials plus lots more nonessentials like cake, biscuits and sweets which was lovely and gratefully appreciated. Fergal is a friendly and beautiful person who we really enjoyed getting to know, he really does go above and beyond to make his guests feel at home and welcome, he's always on hand to help if you need it, which we did on occasion and wether it was giving us general info on places and numbers or tying basil to the door handle in the morning because he knew we liked it! It really does make a big difference when someone goes out of their way to make your time extra special. There’s a personal touch to staying here that you rarely get anywhere else. The villa itself is gorgeous!! Everywhere u look there’s interesting things to find, unlike some rented villas Babylon has individualality and style. Aside from that the place is huge, we had 5 adults 3 teenagers and a toddler in there and we still remained calm (haha)and not under each overs feet. It’s lovely and quiet, secluded and very peaceful. I could write for hours about our stay but to sum up I would say we had the best time at villa Babylon and from now on we wouldn’t consider staying anywhere else in Turkey. I would highly recommend the villa and Fergal to everyone! Once you stay you will definitely fall in love with the place just as we have.
Soggiorno di 21 notti a giugno 2018

10/10 Eccellente


Lovely villa in a peaceful location with great facilities
I could not have asked for a better service from booking to arrival and during our stay. Villa Babylon is situated in a lovely peaceful location and just what my family and I were looking for. Very tastefully decorated and we loved that it was only a 10 minute walk to a variety of good restaurants and supermarkets. Pool, jacuzzi and garden were well kept and pool a good size with an added bonus of having the option to heat the pool which we used as we stayed in April when the weather was mild. Villa was very well equipped and comfortable. The welcome basket was amazing with a very good range of foods for us to enjoy. Fergal (owner) was so helpful and nothing was too much trouble. We would not hesitate to return and would Absolutely recommend to others! Big thank you to Fergal for all his help.
Soggiorno di 7 notti ad aprile 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Tayba A.

The villa was absolutely fantastic!
Myself and my wife came here for a short break. We both thought the villa was beautiful inside and out. The close attention to detail Fergal has spent really shines through, Upon arrival we were greeted by Fergal who provided us with a stocked up kitchen including a delicious chocolate tart which we both loved. He also noted down a lot of important info such as local supermarkets, restaurants etc and also signposted us to a local cabbie, Ali who was very friendly and gave us a breath taking tour of Fethiye. The pool was just ace and I feel as if the pictures don't do it justice. The BBQ terrace was also stunning. The bedrooms are all a good size with very comfortable beds. The lounge downstairs is a great place to just relax and chill out. The thing is even with the awesome villa, Fergal provides a level of service which is outstanding. He is very attentive to your needs and will always go the extra mile. We both look forward to coming again as we thoroughly enjoyed our time! Thanks Irfan & Tayba
Soggiorno di 4 notti a marzo 2018

10/10 Eccellente

Claire O.

A perfect place to stay! Beautiful Villa
From the initial booking to arrival and then leaving the villa Fergal was very informative and easy to talk to. He booked our transfers for us without hassle. Upon arrival he took us on a tour of the Villa which was fab. The villa is very beautiful and so well equipped I could not believe it, it had everything you need, like home from home. I have been coming to Turkey for 7 years in a row and stayed in many villas and this is by far the best villa I believe in the area. The bedrooms were big and the beds were lovely. The kitchen had everything you need as well as a stocked fridge (no need to go to the shop on arrival) including milk, eggs, bread, butter, fruit, veg and a large hamper with cereals, pasta, biscuits and much more and the locally made lemon drizzle cake Fergal gave us was a delight. One day we had a cloudy day and when we arrived after the cleaners had been Fergal left us some yummy jam doughnuts! Such a lovely touch. We also used the bbq and had a lovely meal in the front outdoor area. The pool area is lovely and the plants are very beautiful. The Jacuzzi was very nice and easily sat all 8 of us adults with room to spare. We had the pool and Jacuzzi heated as it was September and it was well worth the additional daily fee. The lighting at night was beautiful too. We also had a film night and made use of the cinema room and the sound system is great. The villa is huge! It is also short walking distance down a slight hill to hisaronu, the road brings you out to the top of the town by the cash machines and the roundabout that takes you Olu Deniz. There is a shop at the bottom of the hill, a mere 5min walk away where you can buy groceries. No need for a car as the taxis & dolmus are very cheap. My family and I loved this luxurious villa and I would definitely recommend it. You will not want to stay anywhere else when coming Olu Deniz/Hisaronu once you have stayed here! We will be back to this Villa on our next trip to Turkey, without a doubt! Fergal, thank you so much for all your advice on the area, a wonderful tour of the villa and the lovely chats upon arrival and when we had to sadly leave this place and also for the many treats you provided during our stay.
Soggiorno di 11 notti a settembre 2017

10/10 Eccellente

Rameez M.

5 star, couldn't rate the property and Fergal high enough
Right from the first interaction with Fergal i could tell it was going to be an amazing experience staying in the Villa. The Villa was absolutely beautiful, it was clean and the layout was perfect. The pool was amazing especially heated for the early and late night swims. Fergal was on hand at every opportunity putting our minds at rest about the trivial things. There was a hamper to get us started and the ground floor was a real chilled hangout. Everyone loved the Villa it's perfect in every sense of the word. Would definitely come back, thanks Fergal for everything.
Soggiorno di 7 notti a settembre 2017