“I like the indoor pool and hot tub (pool could have been a little warmer). Wasn’t a fan of the stand alone shower in master bedroom with a having a kid. But overall a great weekend ”
“I have stayed here at least once per year for the past 5 years. I love the consistency of great service and all the property has to offer.”
“The staff was ok, the driver we had was amazing and friendly. Overall we were able to do uber eats, call uber to events and there is an amazing steakhouse outside of our door. Amazing service ”
“Just a great place”
“Overall property is good and king suite ocean facing is really worth price. Unfortunately my stay was short and could not enjoy the view and beach. Only one negative feedback is , Elevator was dirty but since it going through renovations. However the property Manager Suzan and Shanon are excellent. I would stay with family again. ”
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